Monday, November 9, 2009

Freedom and the main purpose in life!


Hear, mortals, the sacred cry:
"Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!"
Hear the noise of broken chains,
see the noble Equality enthroned.

Their most honorable throne have opened
the United Provinces of the South.
And the free ones of the world reply:
"To the Argentine people, cheers!"
"To the Argentine people, cheers!"
And the free ones of the world reply:"
To the Argentine people, cheers!"
And the free ones of the world reply:"
To the Argentine people, cheers!"

May the laurels be eternal
the ones we managed to win,
the ones we managed to win.
Let us live crowned in glory...
or let us swear in glory to die!
Or let us swear in glory to die!
Or let us swear in glory to die!


Oh homeland, we greet you a thousand times!
Glory be to you!
Your breast overflows joy and peace
And your radiant face
brighter than the sun shining we see.

The worthy sons of the soil
Which magnificently adorns Pichincha,
They always declared you as their sovereign lady
And shed their blood for you.
God observed and accepted that sacrifice,
And this blood was the prolific seed
Of other heroes who amazed the world,
And in turn, of thousands arising around you.

The Argentinian and Ecuadorian Anthem have a lot in common. It is interesting to see how both anthems try to represent the struggles these countries went through to reach freedom. These two anthems are based on war and patriotism. The lyrics of the Argentinian Anthem are burningly independentist and anti-Spanish, as the country was at that time fighting for its independence from Spain. For example, the opening of the anthem "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! Hear the noise of broken chains," this part clearly represents how Argentina was fighting for its freedom and how proud they felt of gaining it. In addition, the chorus of the Anthem "Let us live crowned in glory.. or let us swear in glory to die!" this part shows how Argentinian people felt how freedom was the glory they wanted to achieve , otherwise, they would have preferred to die with pride.

The Ecuadorian Anthem, also communicates how freedom was the main purpose for Ecuadorian people at that time. It represents how the soldiers of this country fought and offered their blood to have a free land. The second verse of the anthem "They always declared you as their sovereign lady and shed their blood for you." is a good representation of how Ecuadorians felt proud of shedding their blood in order to have a free life. Same as Argentina, Ecuador also fought against Spain to conquer freedom.

On the other hand, the differences in these two anthems is how each represents each country's culture. Argentina's Anthem seems more to represents how pride and victory predominates is this country. Whereas Ecuador's Anthem's represents how religious, love and peace is the main purpose in life for ecuadorian people.

In conclusion , both Anthem promotes freedom, pride and love for one's country.

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