Friday, April 16, 2010

China vs. Jamaica

China vs. Jamaica
The Bangladesh national anthem is very interesting. Throughout the whole anthem the singer or reader is reminded and informed that the country is a beautiful place. The anthem allows people to recognize the beauty of the country in different seasons and it also gives examples of what the country has to offer. Nature seems to be very valuable and respected by the people of Bangladesh. Like nature, the anthem gives the country maternal qualities. The national anthem was written in 1906 and during this period in time the country had been split in half and this anthem was suppose to revive the people’s spirits.
This anthem is similar to the India’s national anthem because nature and geography are used to make the country seem like a great place to be. The use of nature and geography is weak in comparison to Bangladesh’s anthem and contains more pride from a victory of a war. India’s anthem is more of a war anthem.

China’s National Anthem
Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves; 
With our very flesh and blood 
Let us build our new Great Wall! 
The peoples of China are in the most critical time, 
Everybody must roar his defiance. 
Arise! Arise! Arise! 
Millions of hearts with one mind, 
Brave the enemy's gunfire, 
March on! 
Brave the enemy's gunfire, 
March on! 
March on! 
March on, on!

Jamaica’s National Anthem
Eternal Father bless our land,
 Guard us with Thy Mighty Hand, 
Keep us free from evil powers,
 Be our light through countless hours. To our Leaders, Great Defender,
 Grant true wisdom from above. 
Justice, Truth be ours forever,
 Jamaica, Land we love.
 Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica land we love.
Teach us true respect for all,
 Stir response to duty’s call, strengthen us the weak to cherish, 
Give us vision lest we perish.
 Knowledge send us Heavenly Father,
 Grant true wisdom from above.
 Justice, Truth be ours forever,
 Jamaica, land we love.
 Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica land we love.

The content in the two anthems from China and Jamaica are completely different. China’s anthem is very tough and motivating. The whole message is for the people of China to rise up and unite together to be a powerful nation, which no one can defeat. After reading it, the anthem makes China seems strong, and strong willed which in a sense makes them seem very intimidating.
Jamaica on the other hand makes the people seem very loyal to the country and it seems like Jamaica is just an enjoyable place to be. The anthem from a catholic perspective resembles a prayer, a prayer similar to a Catholic protection prayer. Jamaica is a mellow place, which doesn’t promote war. Instead, the anthem makes one believe that Jamaica should be appreciated to the fullest extent.

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