Thursday, May 7, 2009

Beautiful View, Beautiful Mind.

Tagone used two different value concepts in creating the national anthems for two countries – for India, it is a religious approach; for Bangladesh, it is a patriotic expression. It should be not a controversial issue because India and Bangladesh were one nation before. In Tagone’s mind, these two countries have people hold the same religion and same natural view, as he described in the Bangladesh’s national anthem, should not be differenced by the political reason. In India’s national anthem, it mentions Bengal as one of the blessed districts by the “dispenser of India’s destiny”. Developed at 1906, “My Bengal of gold” is a poem for urging people get together. He praised how beautiful Bengal is. The mango grove, full-blossomed paddy fields, and the banyan trees, are all over Bengal and India. His tears were for the war of Bengal’s breakdown. His sadness was the hurt of the country he loved.
The United States national anthem is war-based. It sings in a praise of American solders’ glorify. It also emphases American’s motto: “In God is our trust.” This sprite is still alive in most American’s hearts. For freedom, people are willing to give up everything including their lives. That is why America named the United States-the states made Federal, not federal made the states. Also, I am amazed the positive attitudes American remain as usual in the down times. This spirit should never expire in the U.S. culture. Today, the United States as the most influence country in the world, I believe exaggerating how we embracing the diversity and all the advantages of people’s innovation can be the points to the new national anthem.

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